Therapy is a deeply personal experience and it's important to understand from the beginning that it is not a one-size-fits all endeavor. Additionally, therapy is not something that happens to you; it requires your full and active participation. So, how can you make the most out of your therapy experience?
It's important to attend your appointments consistently and standard practice is weekly appointments in the beginning of treatment and then a gradual spacing out of sessions. Whatever schedule you and your therapist choose, you will get the best outcomes when you attend your appointments regularly.
Be Honest
Be honest with your therapist and yourself. When information is withheld it only serves to limit growth and progress towards goals. Feeling embarrassed about something? Trust me, we've heard it all and it takes a lot to shock us. If the topic is something that makes you feel guilt or shame then it's definitely something we should work through.
Do the Work
If you're only working on your issues for the one hour a week you're in therapy then you may not be happy with your progress towards goals. True change takes daily effort and the clients who put into practice the things we discuss in therapy are the ones who see the benefits.
Don't Run when Things get Uncomfortable
Have you ever decided to clean out a messy, cluttered closet? You start out motivated and determined to get it done but somewhere in the middle you look around and see all the stuff you've pulled out of the closet and you have a panic moment when you realize now you have to do something with all this and you're questioning why you did it in the first place. Therapy can sometimes feel like that. Growth is hard. Change is hard. Don't stop just because it got hard. Talk to your therapist and tell them where you're at.
Address any Treatment Issues
Listen, we're all human and sometimes we clique with people and sometimes we don't. If you're not feeling it with your therapist and it's getting in the way of how you show up in therapy then either talk to them about it or find a new therapist. Also, this is your treatment and if you feel like you and your therapist are on different pages when it comes to your needs, issues, and goals then speak up.